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 Ярослав Тенетко


Chornovola 28/1
01135, Kiev, Ukraine
Tel. 236-6942
Fax. 236-6165

Yaroslav Tenetko
Year of birth: 17.07.2007.
Address: Kirilenko Street, 6/ 403, Krivoi Rog, Ukraine

Yaroslav Tenetko underwent medical treatment for juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia during the period from August, 21 to September, 1, 2009 at the oncohematology department. The case was first diagnosed at the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital (Moscow) in July, 2009.
Patient complaints: general weakness, enlargement of abdomen, hyperthermia. Patient was in poor condition on the admission to hospital, caused by the prior disease with underlying hyperleukocytosis, hepatosplenomegaly, hypoproteinemia, toxic syndrome, anemic syndrome, oliguria, and anasarca.
Blood test result on admission: L-135(109 /L) (5% of blast cells; 4% of promyelocytes; 4% of myelocytes; 6% of metamyelocytes, 14% of band cells, 47% of segmentated cells; 15% of monocytes; 5% of lymphocytes); Hg 70 g/l; platelets 24(109 /L).
Therapy: detoxication therapy, antimicrobial therapy (sulperason + netilmicin sulfate + metrogyl), replacement therapy (platelet concentrate transfusion AB (IV) #2; erythrocyte concentrate AB (IV) negative #1), trimetabol, hydroxyurea 500 mg/d, from August, 31, 2009 – 1000 mg/d; allopurinol.
While in hospital, the patient’s condition became stable (the temperature came to normal, peripheral oedema dissipated and abdomen reduced due to free fluid excretion).
August 28, 2009 blood test result: L-41(109 /L), Hb 77 g/l, platelets 16(109 /L).
Due to the augmentation of leukocytosis up to 61(109 /L) (blood test result on August, 31, 2009) it was decided to increase the hydroxyurea dose up to 1000 mg/d.
The only radical treatment mode is allogenic bone marrow transplantation from a relative or alternative donor.
The blood samples of Yaroslav and his sibling (elder brother) was sent for HLA typing to Israel on August, 30, 2009.
While the possibility of carrying out the allogenic bone marrow transplantation is under consideration, Yaroslav is discharged from the hospital and is followed up by a hematologist at the place of residence.

1. Weekly clinical blood analysis control; biweekly biochemical blood assay.
2. Taking hydroxyurea in the dose of 1000 mg/d until September, 6, 2009, then, if white blood count is lower than 50(109/L), reducing the dose to 500 mg/d.
3. In case of an augmentation of leukocytosis or parenchymal organs, taking cytosar for 10 days (15 mg/m2 intravenously or subcutaneously).
4. Taking allopurinol (100mg/d) during the whole period of cytoreduction (withdrawal at L< 25(109/L).


Chief of the oncohematology department N. A. Kubalya

Hadassah Medical Organization
Hadassah University Hospital
August, 31, 2009
Yaroslav Tenetko
Date of birth:
July, 17, 2007
Person responsible for the payment:
Ruslana Kirillovna Tenetko, Dmitri Vladimirovich Tenetko; personal address: Kirilenko Street, 6/ 403, Krivoi Rog, Ukraine
Hadassah University Hospital
Attending medical doctor:
Professor Igor B. Resnick
JMML (juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia)
Allo-BMT from related family donor
Period of medical treatment:
3 months
$105 000 (one hundred five thousand US dollars)
The sum includes:
Bone-marrow transplantation, preparation for transplantation, post-transplantation medical treatment within three months after the date of transplantation that includes rehospitalization in case of need.
The payment is made in any convertible currency (EURO, US dollar) according to the actual exchange rate before the beginning of treatment.
Bank details:
Bank Leumi Main Branch (901)
Address: Jaffa Road 21, Jerusalem, Israel
Account number: 901-50007/48
Name of account: Hadassah Medical Organization
Attn: Prof. Igor RESNICK
Bone Marrow Transplantation Department
For treatment of patient: Yaroslav Tenetko
IBANK: IBIL1090105000748
Yours truly,
Prof. Igor B. Resnick
Pediatrics and Immunology
Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit
Hadassah Medical Organization
Tel. 972-2-6776680
Fax 972-2-6422731
Igor B. RESNICK MD, PhD, Prof.
Senior staff member
Bone Marrow Transplantation
and Cancer Immunotherapy Department
Sharett Bld., 3rd floor
Hadassah (Ein Kerem) University Hospital
PO Box: 12000
Jerusalem ISRAEL 91120
Tel. 972-2-6778353
Fax 972-2-6422731
Mobile 972-507-874663
e-mail: gashka@hadassah.org.il

25.09.09 14:06 by admin