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 Krivets Ira

Ministry of Health of Ukraine
“OHMATDYT” Ukrainian Pediatric Specialized Hospital
28/1 Chornovola Str, 01135, Kyiv
Tel.: 236-6942
Fax: 236-6165
On No ______
Extract from the case history No 31
of Kryvets Iryna, date of birth - 20.11.2000,
address of residence: Kyiv, Darnytsky district,
10 "B" Rudenko Str., ap. 130
Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leucosis, II acute period, superearly isolated CNS-relapse, common, S2 therapeutic group.
The patient was admitted to oncohematology department on 08.08.2007 for the first time. After complex examination, the following was diagnosed: acute lymphoblastic leucosis, I acute period, average risk group, common, CNS-negative. Chemotherapy was carried out from 09.08.07 till 06.04.2008 according to Protocol ALL-BFM-2000 (m).
From 21.04.08 till 08.12.2008, maintenance therapy, including purinethol and methotrexate, was carried out under observation of day hospital hematologist of Center of Pediatric Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation.
At the beginning of December 2008 the child started complaining about headaches and vomiting. Spinal puncture was carried out on 08.12.08, which has revealed cytosis 2000/µl; all the cells were represented by blasts. Blast cell immunophenotype corresponds to that of ALL common type. Bone marrow puncture dated 09.12.2008 revealed preservation of ALL bone marrow remission.
The examinations performed allowed to diagnose isolated CNS relapse.
Since 09.12.08, chemotherapy was initiated according to Protocol ALL-REZ-BFM-2002. For the moment, 4 blocks of intensive polychemotherapy have been carried out.
According to therapeutic program criteria, realization of bone marrow autotransplantation is indicated.
Realization of bone marrow autotransplantation is planned following termination of the 7-th block of chemotherapy in the department of bone marrow transplantation of Center of Pediatric Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Head of Center of Pediatric Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation
Donskaya S.B.
Head of oncohematology department
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
“Ohmatdyt” National Pediatric Specialized Hospital
Identification code 01994089
Kubalya N.A.
31.03.09 15:07 by admin