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 Kotova English

Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 6

Hematology Unit


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Health Protection Department

of Dnipropetrovsk City Council

Municipal Facility

Children’S City Clinical Hospital No. 6

Code 01985127

49017, Dnipropetrovsk, Karavayeva st 68


Discharge summary from inpatient medical case #46


Patient: Anastasia Yevgenievna Kotova, born on December 15, 1994, has being examined and taken treatment in Hematology unit of Municipal Facility Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 6 since January 04, 2010 up to the present moment January 08, 2010.

Address: Dnipropetrovsk, Babushkinskiy district, Topol II, 2/4/1.

Clinical diagnosis: acute myeloblastic leukemia, M2, I acute stage.


The patient is diagnosed according to objective data and examination data: myelogram dated January 04, 2010: blast cells 25%; complete blood count dated January 04, 2010: Hb – 80 g/L, RBC - 3.3 t/L, PLT - 53 g/L, WBC – 28.0 g/L, ESR – 40 m/L, blasts – 30%, myelocytes – 9%, stab – 4%, segmented – 28%, LYM – 21%, monocytes – 8%.

Swabs of marrow and peripheral blood were examined in reference laboratory of State Specialized Children’s Hospital Okhmatdet of the city of Kyiv, conclusion of Jan. 6, 2010 -  acute myeloblastic leukemia, M2.


It is recommended to formalize with medical consultation commission the receiving of welfare benefit till the girl is 18 years old as being the disabled child according to Order #342 (Order #454 dated November 08, 2001) of Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated July 11, 2005, Chapter XVIII, Paragraph – 3, code by International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition – C92.


CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT                [Signature]

ATTENDING DOCTOR                     [Signature]                   S. A. Skotar

Deputy chief medical officer                 [Signature]                  


[SEAL]: Municipal Facility

            Children City Clinical Hospital No. 6

            Code 01985127


Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 6

Hematology Unit


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Health Protection Department

of Dnipropetrovsk City Council

Municipal Facility

Children’S City Clinical Hospital No. 6

Code 01985127

49017, Dnipropetrovsk, Karavayeva st 68


Discharge summary from inpatient medical case #46


Patient: Anastasia Yevgenievna Kotova, born on December 15, 1994, has been in Hematology unit of Municipal Facility Children’s City Clinical Hospital No. 6 since January 04, 2010 up to the present moment January 14, 2010.

Address: Dnipropetrovsk, Babushkinskiy district, Topol II, 2/4/1.

Clinical diagnosis: acute myeloblastic leukemia, M2, I acute stage.

Anamnesis: hearing loop has been detected since November 2009. The patient was consulted by ENT doctor and audiologist. On December 14, 2009 bilateral drum membrane shunting was performed. In a week sanies appeared from acoustic meatuses. The intoxication symptoms (weakness, low-grade fever), anemic syndrome, ‘shifting’ pains in the bones, right side facial numbness developed.

The patient was admitted to the unit in a grave condition because of intoxication anemic syndrome and manifestations of 7th cranial nerve (nervus facialis) paresis at right. She had mucopus from acoustic meatuses.

Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged.

Liver is up to + 2.0 cm lower costal margin, spleen is located at the edge of costal margin.

Complete blood count dated January 04, 2010: Hb – 80 g/L, RBC - 3.3 t/L, PLT - 53 g/L, ESR – 40 m/L, WBC – 28.0 g/L, blasts – 30%, myelocytes – 9%, metamyelocytes – 2%, stab – 2%, segmented – 28%, LYM – 21%, monocytes – 8%.

Myelogram dated January 04, 2010: blast cells 25%.

Conclusion from the laboratory of Oncological Hematological Center of State Specialized Children’s Hospital Okhmatdet: acute myeloblastic leukemia, M2 (the conclusion is enclosed).

Examination of cerebrospinal fluid dated January 05, 2010: cytosis – 1 cell in 1 μL.

Blood group: A(II) Rh-positive blood.

Biochemical blood assay dated January 05, 2010: GPT 29 E/L, bilirubin 8 μmol/L, alkaline phosphatase 1.214 μkat/L, creatinin 88 μmol/L.

Ultrasonic examination of the visceral organs dated January 05, 2010: no pathology was detected.

Head CT dated January 06, 2010: bilateral mastoiditis, sphenoiditis.

Chest X-ray dated January 05, 2010: Cor et Pulmo within normal.

Neurologist consultation dated January 04, 2010: right facial nerve neuropathy.

ENT doctor consultation dated January 04, 2010: bilateral exudates mastoiditis. Sphenoiditis. Bilateral otitis media with effusion. Rinofluimucil nasally; okomistin into both ears and nasally.

The patient receives antimicrobial therapy: cefepime, lyncomycinum.

Blood transfusions: packed red blood cells A(II) Rh-positive blood dated January 06, 2010, January 12, 2010; platelet concentrate – 250 ml dated January 14, 2010.

Cytoreduction introductory stage starting since January 08, 2010: cytosar 40 mg/m2/day – 54 mg – IV – on January 08, 2010, January 09, 2010; tioguanine (lanvis) 40 mg/m2/day – 54 mg – per os daily starting since January 08, 2010 up to the present moment January 14, 2010.

The intoxication symptoms, mastoiditis and otitis signs became less marked in dymanics.

Complete blood count dated January 14, 2010: Hb – 92 g/L, RBC - 3.5 t/L, PLT - 21 g/L (before platelet concentrate transfusion), WBC – 10.3 g/L, myelocytes – 5%, stab – 2%, blasts – 29%, LYM – 39%, monocytes – 3%, ESR – 20 mm/g.


The discharge summary was sent to the Head Children’s Hematologist of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, to S. B. Donskaya - Head of Children’s Oncology and Hematology and Marrow Transplantation Center to receive recommendations for patient further management.   


Children Hematologist of

Children City Clinical Hospital No. 6                 /signature/                    S. A. Skotar


[SEAL]: Doctor Skotar Sergey Alekseevich]




District Children’s Clinical Hospital of the city of Dnipropetrovsk

Computerized Tomography and MRI Unit


49100, Kosmichna st 13, tel.: 713-63-08


Patient:             A.Ye. Kotova, 15 years old

Date: January 06, 2010                                                 No. 2m0


Head spiral CT.


In sub- and supratentorial brain areas there are no focal changes. Brain structures and fluid spaces are not deformed. Lesions of the midline are not revealed. The sizes of fluid spaces are within normal. Pneumatization of mastoid bones is absent. They are filled with the content with density of 4000 HU. Cavities with diameter of 1 cm are revealed there and a segment of periostitis on anterior surface at left is detected. In basilar sinus the content with density of 4000 HU with horizontal leveling  is revealed (small amount).


Conclusion: bilateral mastoiditis. Sphenoiditis.


[SEAL]: Doctor [Signature]









30.01.10 11:46 by admin